name is Stira Panut and I am a teacher
of languages in Indonesian Manpower
Training Center and college student at Gunadarma University. I get up at 05.00
am and some days I don’t get up until
almost 8 o’clock. After I wake up each morning, I get up and take wudhu for
pray shubuh. And then I watched tv and have my breakfast. Usually I have a
light breakfast like coffee , bread and cheese. But sometimes I also have a big
breakfast like fried noodles, fried rice, uduk rice and others. Once in a while
I have breakfast in office too. I finish eating breakfast at about 07.00 and
then I take shower, get dressed and putting on my make up. After that I get to
work. Every morning I get to office at
09.00 o’clock and start working there. Usually, I work hard all morning and
take rest at 12.00 for lunch. I have lunch together with all my office friends.
finish working at about 04.30 pm. After working I am not continuously go home because
I have to go campus. I reach campus at 05.30 pm n then I have dinner first at campus
canteen. After dinner I read the news paper for a while or listen to the music
or play a game in android. The class begin at 06.30 pm until 09.00 pm. After class
I go home by motor cycle n reach home at about 09.30 pm. And then I clean up my
self, change night dressed, watched TV and drink milk or having snack. I usually
go to bed at about midnight.
all my activities from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday was different
because not working. On Saturday I have class in Cakung. I love Sunday. Cos its
my free day from all my daily routine. I like to do cooking on my holiday. Sometimes
I go to cinema with friends and traveling too.
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